Inspired by the animated series, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, this Dino Danger Pack includes a Kenji figure, a Scorpios Rex Dinosaur and a Gyrosphere accessory! Recreate the perilous chase and attack scene from the series and play out more action-packed storylines! Both the Kenji and the Scorpios Rex Dinosaur figures have movable joints, authentic sculpting and realistic colors and textures for fun action play and dynamic posing.
For ages 4 years old and up. Play and display this story pack of human and dinosaur figures plus accessory inspired by Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. This pack includes Kenji and Scorpios Rex action figures.Each has authentic sculpting, realistic colors and movable joints for realistic play or dynamic displays. With the 2 figures plus a rolling Gyrosphere accessory based on the action-packed chase and attack scene from the animated series, this pack is ready for inspired storytelling! The Kenji figure is 6.5 inches tall; the Scorpios Rex is about 7 inches tall and 17 inches long. It's the perfect gift for ages 4 years and older, especially Jurassic World fans and those who love collecting dinosaurs!
Kids can collect all the Camp Cretaceous-inspired packs for extensive action play options or an inspired display. We do our best to describe the item and to take photos of the actual item that you are purchasing. All our items are 100% authentic.
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